Tech pack template (Ai., Pdf, etc)
Tech pack template (Ai., Pdf, etc)
Hi there! When you purchase this file, you will immediately be e-mailed a download link that contains the Template of the tech-pack drawn in WithLoveChristina's Youtube video.
The file will be in the following formats: Pdf, Png, Jpeg, Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Illustrator 2024 versions. All tables, measurements, labels and write ups with all written data are present and fully editable. The hoodie's CADs however are rasterized.
Apart from this, you will also find an empty template for you to completely fill in.
Also free with this purchase is a 'Tech Pack Creation Guide' to help you through your first Tech Pack.
If there is anything else that you might need help with or if you need the files in a different format, please feel free as a bird to send a mail to, to request the same.
Thank you and have a wonderful day! ♥️